DeSimone Research Group

Joseph M. DeSimone, Ph.D.
Sanjiv Sam Gambhir Professor of Translational Medicine and Chemical Engineering at Stanford

Joseph M. DeSimone is the Sanjiv Sam Gambhir Professor of Translational Medicine and Chemical Engineering at Stanford. He holds appointments in the Departments of Radiology and Chemical Engineering with a courtesy appointments in the Department of Chemistry, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and the Graduate School of Business. Previously, he was a professor of chemistry at UNC-Chapel Hill and of chemical engineering at NC State University. He is also Co-founder, Board Member, and former CEO of the additive manufacturing company, Carbon. DeSimone has mentored 80 students through Ph.D. completion, half of whom are women and members of underrepresented groups in STEM. In 2016 DeSimone was recognized by President Barack Obama with the National Medal of Technology and Innovation.

Read Prof. DeSimone’s full bio »

Lab Members

Ph.D. Student, Department of Chemical Engineering

Ph.D. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. Student, Department of Chemistry

Ph.D. Student, Department of Chemical Engineering

Senior Research Scientist & Lab Manager

Director, Strategic Program Development & Engagement

Ph.D. Student, Department of Chemical Engineering

Andy Hung, Ph.D.

Stanford Cancer Imaging Training Program, Department of Radiology

Ph.D. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Director, Translational Medicine & Strategic Research Development; Senior Scientist

Ph.D. Student, Department of Chemistry

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Radiology

Ph.D. Student, Department of Chemistry

Ph.D. Graduate, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Eileen Misquez

Administrative Assistant

Ph.D. Student, Department of Bioengineering

Ph.D. Student, Department of Chemical Engineering

Ph.D. Student, Department of Bioengineering

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering

Ph.D. Student, Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Deputy Director of the Canary Center

Ph.D. Student, Department of Chemical Engineering

Director, Additive Manufacturing and Prototyping Facility

Lab Affiliates

Ph.D. Student, Department of Management Science and Engineering

UNC Collaborators

Jillian Perry, Ph.D.

Research Assistant Professor, Center for Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery, Eshelman School of Pharmacy, UNC-Chapel Hill

Shaomin Tian, Ph.D.

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, UNC-Chapel Hill

Former Lab Members

Josue Garcia Avila, M.S. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering (2024)

Yue Xu, Ph.D., Life Science Research Professional (2024)

William Pan, Undergraduate, Department of Mechanical Engineering (2024)

Cooper Shea, M.S.M.E. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering (2024)

Ryan Spitler, Deputy Director, Precision Health and Integrated Diagnostics (PHIND) (2024)

Jo Ann Efobi, M.S.M.E. student (2023)

Kaiwen Hsaio, Postdoctoral Fellow (2023)

Gloria Chyr, Ph.D. student (2023)

Micah Lawrence, Ph.D. student (2023)